Don't I Know You?!

melissa curtin Mar 28, 2022

I don’t get out much. I know I’m not alone in this, I mean we just went through a global pandemic for Heaven’s sake. There is a part of me that is craving social interaction - dinners out, concerts, and the like, so, I’ll schedule something, be looking forward to it, and then when it gets here, I just want to stay home.  

One way to make myself get out more is to put myself on the hook somehow, like buying a ticket to a luncheon, for example. 

I recently attended the Howard County Business Women’s Network luncheon for the first time since I joined in January 2020. I was looking forward to being with these dynamic women and the speaker line-up was fantastic. 

Well, I had forgotten what I used to do every weekday morning for nearly 30 years and how much time and energy it takes to get all made up.  

I felt like I’d had a morning workout by the time I showered, did my hair and make-up, removed the tags, and steamed the jacket, blouse, and pants I had bought in Spring 2020 and hadn't yet gotten to wear. But the coup de grace was the Spanx. Whew! I was literally sweating getting those things on and to think I used to wear them all the time!?!  

When I was finally ready, I stood in front of the mirror, cocked my head to one side, and a thought bubble appeared above my head that said, “Don’t I know you?!” 

I literally laughed out loud because I have been saying this to people since the mask mandates loosened up. Plus, I hardly remembered the woman looking back at me in the mirror.

When I see people without their masks on now, my brain is confused. I feel like I know this person, they look kind of familiar, but then again, maybe not. (And the aging that has taken place on faces the past few years, including my own?! That’s a topic for another blog.) 

I’m not the same person I was two years ago, let alone four years ago when I used to get dressed up like this every workday. 

I walked into the luncheon where I was greeted by a radiant woman wearing a huge smile. While I stood there in awe that her smile was out in public like that, I could hardly hear a word she was saying as I just stared at her mouth. 

I thought to myself: 

As I entered the room filled with around 60 women (and one man), I was greeted with the familiar smell of perfumes wafting through the air, the sound of chatter and laughter, women wearing gorgeous clothes and shoes, and there wasn’t a pair of leggings or athleisure wear in sight.

(Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of leggings and athleisure wear, but seeing women wearing something other than after these past few years was refreshing.) 

I sat down at a table between the woman I’d met when I got there and another woman whom I thought maybe looked familiar. 

“Don’t I know you?”

As I began to settle into my seat and eat my lunch, I was reminded of the familiar taste of hotel chicken and at the same time, the memories of sitting at so many tables like this started flooding over me. Not so long ago, after many years of hotel chicken in large ballrooms, I had come to dread these types of events.  

But this time it was different. I was so grateful to be sitting there among these women. 

We were asked to stand up and introduce ourselves and share our business tagline. While I’ve spent a lot of time presenting to people on Zoom, I had not spoken to a room of people that size in person for two years. 

My heart immediately started beating out of my chest. Then, the flames that only a woman who has experienced hot flashes can understand, started licking around my head and face then slowly moved down to consume my entire body. When this happens, it can be hard to think straight. 

In addition, I’ve shifted my business during Covid, and I hadn’t yet finalized my new tagline, so I grabbed the card one of the speakers had fortunately provided us on the tables and hurriedly wrote down something to say. 

I was thrilled when the moderator started the introductions on the other side of the room. By the time she got to us, the bonfire had subsided, but I was still a smoldering campfire. 

When my turn came, I stood up in front of this audience of accomplished women and while I was able to spit out my name, I could barely get out the two sentences I had written on my card. 

As the flames flared up again around my head, I said, “I’m Melissa Curtin. I’m a Reinvention Coach with Melissa Curtin Coaching and Founder of Reinvention Adventure: Journey to the Heart.” That part was easy enough.

Then I said, “I coach wolemn. I coach melmwm.” 

What did you say?!?! 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a woman to my right who was trying to help me say the words “women and men” by mouthing them along with me. 

So, I took a breath and tried again, “I coach WOMEN and MEN on how to navigate transitions with intention, grace, ease, and heart.” 

At that moment, I felt overwhelming gratitude for every person in that room who was holding space in their hearts and cheering for me to come back out into the world. 

And I don’t really know any of them. 

It has been an intense couple of years for everyone I know. Many have experienced tragic and traumatic events, but I’ve learned that we can’t compare pain. Everyone processes their experiences personally and it’s not for any of us to put our take (or judgment) on another’s experience. 

“Don’t I know you?!” 

I may not recognize people’s faces, but in a world of constant change, kindness, compassion, and open hearts are always familiar and appreciated. 

As we all continue to make our way on this wild ride, may you radiate kindness and compassion from your heart to everyone you meet. And remember to pause and receive it with gratitude when it’s being sent your way. 

From my heart to yours,


Let me know how you're doing with the “grand reopening” and how you’ve experienced it. While you may have already been out and about in the world all of this time, the energy has shifted so you may be experiencing new levels of awareness. I’d love to hear about it!

If you live in Howard County, or even the surrounding area and haven’t joined the Business Women’s Network of Howard County yet, check it out. It’s a fabulous group of professional women. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how to Tap Into the Intelligence of Your Heart, join me for an introductory session on the first or third Mondays of the month, starting on April 4 at 5:30 p.m. EDT (4:30 p.m. CT, 3:30 p.m. MT, 2:30 p.m. PT).

I coach women and men on how to navigate transitions with intention, grace, ease, and heart. It doesn’t have to be SO hard. You can actually enjoy the journey. If you’re interested in learning more about my Reinvention Adventure approach to coaching, complete this form and once I receive it,  I’ll reach out directly to you to schedule a time to connect.


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